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Welcome to My Studio

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Sticks and Stones

If you sew, it’s time to expand your creativity – and learn to make your OWN patterns for your OWN designs!

There is a path, and it’s easier than you think! Click the image above to find out more!

Get on the waitlist and grab some special goodies right now!


Inspired by alpaca cord spun yarn and thoughts of rich espresso

Love to Sew?

Learn to make your own sewing patterns through "The ART of patternmaking."

Would you like to Connect with Like-minded Creatives?

Join My Community – Virginia’s Studio Cats!

My Mission

Hi there, Virginia here…..

I believe everyone is born creative and has the capacity to live a joyful life through that creativity.

Sometimes life gets in the way, and we leave it behind for other priorities. If you’re saying “Yeah, but I don’t even know what I want to do, you’re in the right place. I had to rediscover my creative passion after a “life-slide” and I found it was wider and more enjoyable the second time around! I teach a proven step by step process that leads you back to the creativity you’ve lost touch with… and you may discover new dreams along the way.

My love of fabric and clothing design expanded to include many other sculptural, tactile forms of creativity I couldn’t have imagined before. My creativity has now become a multi-faceted online business. I am on a mission to help you rediscover who you are, define what you want, and help you get there! The possibilities are endless.

Join me and I’ll be your guide on your discovery journey and deliver the training, encouragement and support you need to succeed in reigniting your creative spark.

Become Creatively – U
Find more purpose and meaning in your day!


The Art of Patternmaking

Learn to design your own styles through the “ART” of patternmaking. 

Sewing Studio Secrets

Learn couture techniques and get industry hacks from a pro.

Creatively-U Academy

Rediscover your creative “mojo” and get those projects out into the world.

Creatively-U Academy​ Button

Creatively-U Academy

The Creatively-U Academy is comprehensive program to help you discover the real you, how you think, who you are, and what you love. During this program, you will follow a powerful, step-by-step system that will help you rediscover your purpose and reignite your creative spark using your natural talents.

Creatively-U Clubhouse Membership​ Button

Creatively-U Clubhouse Membership

The Creatively-U Clubhouse Membership is a mentorship program exclusively for graduates of my Academy program. Take your understanding to the next level with monthly accountability support, community, and targeted mentorship to keep your creative life on track. Enrollment opens after students graduate from my Creatively-U Academy program.