Virginia Leigh Studio

What I’m reading right now.

You know it’s a good book in my house when the little colorful flags are sticking out everywhere! There’s a bunch of lines and notes inside…and I can turn to my favorite passages immediately.

Yep…I still buy REAL books.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the digital versions (and have too many to count) but sometimes…ya just gotta have the real thing!

There is something about the real paper, the page, the smell, the weight of a real book.

And yes, I have A LOT of them too!

I’m a voracious reader, so I thought I’d highlight a few that I have been reading recently. For some, it’s the second or third run through! I’m excited to share these favorites with you!

You’re about to be introduced to some fantastic imagery, some hilarious commentary, and some professional guidance from a real-life creative coach!

Buckle your seat belt!

#1 – Conscious Creativity: look, connect, create by Philippa Stanton

This book will help you fully appreciate what’s around you and help you notice things you may have skipped over before.

It’s full of simple, engaging exercises that encourage observation and experimentation. You’ll soon gain insights into your own aesthetic as you take note of colors, shapes, shadows, sounds, and textures around you. The author is a photographer so the book is chock full of stunning imagery and practical ideas.

Whether you’ve lost your mojo or just need some fresh ideas, this book will stimulate your imagination and reinvigorate your curiosity.

You can find the book here:

#2 – Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo is a fantastic business guru, a podcast maven, a hysterical person in general, and a #1 New York Times Bestselling author. I didn’t even know “figureoutable” was a word until I read this book.

This isn’t just some new “self-help” book that offers a few quick-fix remedies that never seem to work. This one will help you think more creatively about your life even amid setbacks and challenges. As the title suggests, it’s all figureoutable!

I made it through the entire book in one weekend, laughing the entire time. I’m now on my second pass. In this book, Marie goes through the gamut of things that can hold us back. You’ll learn how to deal with belief, fear, doubt, excuses, and how to start BEFORE you’re ready!

This one is a gem. Every chapter has a challenge at the end so you can put the insights to work immediately!

Here’s where you can find this one:

#3 – Motivation For Creative People by Mark McGuinness

This book was initially written to help the professional creatives balance the need for fulfillment with the create on demand pressures of the corporate creative world. But I found it has immense benefit for all creatives… professionals and hobbyists alike.

Mark is a British poet and creative coach who works with clients all over the world. His insights come from his many years as a coach. In this book, he goes deeper than the typical surface types of motivation. It is a deep read, but you’ll learn things like how to stay creative under pressure, how to stop selling yourself short, how to attract the right kind of audience and how to deal with things like comparisonitis and negative feedback… and STILL remain motivated to practice your craft. It’s definitely worth checking out.

I have been a part of Mark’s world for many years and find all his work helpful, especially as I try to make my creativity my business. I think you’ll find it helpful too.

You can find his book here:

So, there you have it. These are three of my favorites this week. You can get them at any good book seller, Amazon, or possibly your local library! Check them out and leave a comment below about your favorites!

Happy reading and I’ll see you next week,


B-U, on purpose, 4-Life!

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