Why AM I Here

Why AM I Here?

It’s going to be short and sweet this week because I have a tough one for you this time. LOL!

Answer this:

I’m here because –

Anyone have a hard time answering that?

I did! And I still do sometimes. I still do in those times when nothing is working the way I want it to and everything seems too hard, or too slow, or too confusing.

HUH! Ya know, I might feel that way more than I thought. That list is pretty convincing! I mean, when is it all NOT confusing??? Hhhmmm?

In all seriousness though, I get it. Sometimes I want to throw my hands up and scream WHYYYYYYYY?

Alright – down to biz – I don’t mean the “Why am I here – What is my purpose – OHMMMMMM type of why.

I mean, Why did I start this? Why did I choose to do this? Why am I writing a blog? Why am I starting an online learning suite? Why am I HERE at this time and place doing this thing?


The Big WHY

You’ve heard of that concept, right? What is your “why?” OK, it’s a weird little phrase and doesn’t really check all the “proper grammar” boxes. (In fact, I don’t think it checks any of them to be quite honest.)

But it’s powerful anyway! It simply points to the reason you want to be creative, the reason you want to do your thing, the reason you want to paint, knit, sing, dance, write, pot, refinish, tat, sew, etc.

Does your thing bring you pleasure? Does it make you feel joy? How about accomplishment, self-worth, or pride (the good kind). Does it help you to help others? Does it help you give to others? Does THAT make you feel good?

The BIG why doesn’t have to be earth-shattering to be worthwhile. It can simply be a state of mind that you enjoy. It can also be that you simply LOVE doing what you do, and you have fun doing it! So, keep on doing it!

Is it OK to say my WHY is for the FUN of it?

You betcha!

Because – ya know what? If you’re having fun, the people around you are going to notice. They will notice you’re happy. You’ll be more fun to be around. And we all know that happiness is contagious!

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

You may or may not like that song, but there is some truth to it! I’m here to tell you that your happiness and that of those around you is a perfectly good reason to create.

I can’t tell you how excited I get when I go to a market or a fair and see all the wonderful “stuff” that is being created. It’s plain to see that the creators had fun making their wares.

I recently visited the Carrollton Artisan Market here in town and saw some of the most wonderful things. Jam in small glass barrels with spoons in the shape of little shovels; tiny wood carvings that actually change from the shape of a cat to the shape of a pumpkin as you turn them; candles that look and smell just like pastries; pottery sugar bowls with the spoon as a part of the lid; the best pound cake ever made; soap in the shape of little fish.

The whole experience made me smile! I was so glad to see creativity alive and well!

What Makes Me Happy?

Creativity makes me happy. Creating makes me happy. Helping others rediscover and explore their creativity makes me happy.

SO why am I here? To do just that. My mission with Virginia Leigh studio and the Creatively-U Learning suite is to help you find what lights you up, explore it, and bring it to life! If it’s a consistent creative practice you want, your habits and mindset are important. I can help you get those on the right track. If it’s finding the time for your creative endeavors, I can give you the tools. If you have no idea what it is you want to do, there are ways to find it and I can help you do that! If you need something weird and wonderful for your wall, I gotcha covered there too!

Stay tuned for a special announcement of a new addition to the Creatively-U learning suite coming soon.

Why? Because I realized that there is still something missing from my repertoire that is near and dear to my heart.

Happy Dance coming my way!

More explorations into my BIG WHY revealed another gem, and so I want to share it with you! Yes, you’ll have to be patient! (I’m not good at that either – so you’re in good company.)

What Makes You Happy?

That’s your assignment for this week. Give me a list of what makes you happy. It can be things you do, things you see, things you experience.

Give some thought to why you are here… at this particular place in time.

My wish for you is to explore what lights you up and give it a bit of your attention.

Then, share it with us. Post a comment below and let us know where you find happiness in your creative world.

Join me LIVE on my Facebook page, Virginia Leigh Studio, at 3:00 pm Central every Wednesday and we’ll chat about this. I’d love to hear from you.

If you enjoyed this blog, please share it with your friends and family. Click your favorite social platform below. And join my email list for weekly creative inspiration and get support and encouragement inside my private Facebook group, Virginia’s Studio Cats.


I’m here to cuddle Cosmo, play in linen and silk fabric, stick weird fibers on canvas, design and make cool clothes, make things out of vintage lace, listen to music, read books, love color and texture, nap, do strange collages, teach creative thinking, teach people how to ….ooops, almost gave it away!

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