Creative Commitment

Open studio door

Wait, Success is Just a Decision?

Prove it! “Success is a Decision.” I’ll bet you’ve never heard it described that way, have you? Ever wondered if you could just decide to be a success? Like, maybe there’s a secret ‘success’ button hidden somewhere between your coffee mug and that pile of sketches? Spoiler alert: there might be. But before you start …

Wait, Success is Just a Decision? Read More »

70s style abstract print showcasing personal style

Embrace Your Personal Style –

It’s your SUPERPOWER! Hello, my fabulous fashionistas and style savvy souls! Do you ever put on an outfit and suddenly feel like you can conquer the world? Or maybe you wear something, and it’s as if you’ve slipped on Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak. Poof! Confidence gone! 🙁 Well, today, we’re diving into the jaw-dropping, strut-inducing …

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multi-passionate creative

Are You Multi-Passionate?

Let’s Look For The Clues! OK, so you’ve been on a few artist’s dates, and you have successfully written a week’s worth of pages. What happens now? Well, I’m going to bet that one of several things have begun to happen: You’ve discovered a hidden treasure or two. You’re more confused now then you were …

Are You Multi-Passionate? Read More »

New Year's in July


It’s New Year’s in July! You know – Resolutions, new habits, turning over a new leaf. I have a trick up my sleeve! In July – REALLY Virginia? OK, I know it’s the wrong time of year for that sort of thing! But stick with me here because strange things happen when you turn an …

My STOP DOING List Read More »