Virginia Leigh Studio

Child wearing superhero outfit surrounded by paint and crayon on the wll

Your Struggle…

Might Be The Key to Your Superpower

Welcome to the fifth principle in our summer series on creative thinking: “Your struggle might be the key to your superpower.” This principle is a powerful reminder that the challenges we face are often not just obstacles but clues to our true strengths and potential.

Embracing the Struggle

Creative Coach and Poet Mark McGuinness highlights this idea in his book 21 Insights for 21st Century Creatives.” He recounts a time when he realized he was in the wrong place. His humor and creative analogies didn’t resonate with a “corporate” audience. It wasn’t until he asked, “Do I seem a little odd to you?” and saw their kind, but knowing smiles, that he understood the disconnect.

Mark had to make a living and had a deep passion for writing. Instead of viewing his struggle as a failure, he saw it as a signpost. This realization allowed him to pursue his roles as a creative coach and a published poet. 

My Experience with Struggle and Superpowers

Much like Mark, I too spent years in the wrong place. I was in a job that required routine, performing tasks that didn’t align with my creative strengths. While it was an admirable job in a respected industry, it didn’t match my intellectual and creative mindset. I found my deep thoughts and creative viewpoints were often met with stoney silence. I was the odd one.

These struggles weren’t just frustrations—they were signals. They were trying to tell me something important about myself. I needed intellectual challenges, deep thought, and an environment that fosters innovation and change. Routine and predictability were not my friends; they were my kryptonite.

This realization led me to take a significant risk: starting my own business where I could thrive in an environment that played to my strengths.

OK Virginia, What Does This Have to Do with My Creative Practice?

I’m so glad you asked!

The answer lies in recognizing how your creative struggles might be pointing you toward your unique strengths and potential within your creative desires.

~For example, let’s say you’ve been struggling with sewing and pattern design. Perhaps you find it frustrating when your garments don’t fit, or you feel overwhelmed by the technical aspects of creating your own patterns. Instead of seeing this as a sign that you’re not cut out for this work, consider that they might be highlighting your need for a deeper understanding of fit and design. This struggle could be pointing you toward your superpower: the ability to master the art of customization and develop patterns that are uniquely yours.

~Or maybe your challenge lies in creating art. You might feel stuck, unable to bring your ideas to life in the way you envision. This could be a sign that your creative process needs to evolve. Perhaps your struggle is nudging you to explore new techniques, mediums, or even to embrace imperfection as part of your artistic expression. Your superpower could be your resilience and willingness to experiment, leading to breakthroughs in your creative work.

~Another common struggle is finding the time and space to create. If you’re constantly battling distractions or feel like you can’t carve out time for your projects, this could be pointing to the need for better structure or a dedicated creative space. Your superpower might be in your ability to create an environment that fosters focus and inspiration, enabling you to produce your best work.

In each of these examples, the struggle isn’t just an obstacle; it’s a clue to your creative strengths. By paying attention to what your struggles are trying to tell you, you can identify the areas where you have the potential to excel and find fulfillment in your creative practice.

Turning Struggles into Superpowers

In relation to your creative goals, consider the struggles you’re facing right now. Your struggles might be trying to get your attention, urging you to take a closer look at what you’re truly good at. They could be highlighting the traits that are your real superpowers, the ones that will lead you to greater fulfillment and success.

Here’s a little “Reflection” exercise –

  • What struggles are you facing in your creative journey? Take a moment to identify recurring challenges.
  • What keeps showing up that you haven’t been able to shake? Is there a particular obstacle that consistently hinders your progress?
  • Are any patterns emerging from these struggles? Look for recurring themes that might be pointing you toward your true strengths.
  • What might these struggles be telling you about your superpowers? Consider how your challenges could be highlighting a mismatch with your current situation and what they might be revealing about your natural abilities.

It’s easy to view struggles as purely negative, but they often contain valuable lessons. They’re not just there to make life difficult; they’re there to guide us toward our true path. By listening to what your struggles are trying to tell you, you can discover your unique superpowers and find a way to align your life and work with them.

So, what are your struggles telling you? What lessons are hidden within them? Take the time to explore these questions, and you might find that your greatest challenges are also the keys to unlocking your creative potential.

This understanding can transform the way you approach your creative journey. By recognizing the lessons in your challenges, you can turn obstacles into opportunities for growth and success. Remember, The Creative Space is here to support you in navigating these struggles and discovering your unique strengths. Embrace this principle and watch how your creative potential unfolds when you align with your true superpowers.

To learn more about what’s happening at VLS or to have “The Weekly Creative Buzz” delivered right to your inbox, go HERE or click the “LEARN” tab at my website.

And don’t forget to join my private Facebook Group, Virginia’s Studio Cats, for inspiration, encouragement, and support!

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