
Playful brush strokes

When Being called “Easy” is a Compliment

I’m talking to YOU creativity! Okay, I get it! That might have been a really weird way to start, but I needed to get your attention! We’re making some really cool creative things happen around here and I need you to be aware: Creativity may not arrive “on demand…” Shocker – I know! But – …

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. . . and Habit Have you ever thought about your identity? No, not your name and social security number, not the “identity theft” kinda way. I mean, the “who are you at the core” way… the “I’m an artist” kinda way. OK, I may have just terrified my entire audience with the thought of …

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Planner with Paint

Routine vs Change

A match made in heaven! OK, so this one is going to start out a little patchy, a little contradictory… Yep, I’m going to contradict myself right in front of the whole world. READY? I LOVE a good routine! You know – that thing you do the same way, at the same time, for the …

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