Virginia Leigh Studio

Wonderful fabric from online resources

Fun and Creative Tid-bits!

with some entertaining fabric sources for YOU!

Happy Fall Everyone!

It’s my favorite season…cooler air, open windows, and a breeze that makes me want to sew up some REAL clothes!!!

I’ve been so inspired by the creativity of the new group of students in The ART of Patternmaking! It has been such a whirlwind for several weeks, with the launch and the welcome of these beautiful, creative souls!

Makes me want to sit down at the machine and get going!

I don’t know about you, but I love fabric. I just love the feel of it, the drape, the colors!! And the textures! I admit, fabric is my favorite medium for design and creativity. It’s been crazy here in the studio these last several weeks. Fabric is my Zen!

But you may have noticed, good fabric stores are few and far between these days! I live in a huge metropolitan area and there really isn’t a wide variety of options. You may have heard me say I’m an online maven, so I have embraced the digital age!

I thought I’d share a few rather interesting finds for fabric and trims! For those who don’t have a fabric store around…enjoy the tour! I hope you enjoy these fun, virtual shops!

Here are a few entertaining and inspirational finds. Have fun exploring!

1.      Harts Fabrics ( has a huge selection of fabrics. They carry apparel fabrics, quilting fabrics, home decor fabrics and yarn. My favorite section is the unique fabrics from Japan, Italy and France. Lots of the usual suspects, but they have a lot of unusual items too! They have a great selection of cotton, linen, silks, rayon, costume fabrics, flannel, faux furs, and much more!!

2   Here’s one where I buy most of my linen: ( They have a huge selection of 100% linen, in all weights and colors! I can personally attest to the fact that this linen is worth the price. Their linens are 100% addictive. I have their entire swatch library of colors. Flipping through my “swatch library” is my happy place! And while we’re on the LINEN train, here’s another one to pique your curiosity! Truth be told, I got lost in here for hours! I’m in deep trouble LOL!

3.       OK, no list would be complete without this gem: What I love about this online source is that they are a “slow fashion” store. They carry hand-made fabrics by real people, real fabric artisans…in all natural fibers! Honestly, if I won the lotto, you’ll find me here! There are hand-woven cottons, hand-printed block prints and hand-embroidered beauties. Visit their website or check them out on Etsy!

4.       Love wool? Here’s another fun place to visit (virtually) Dig around a little and you’ll find another source for slow fashion, organic, natural fibers, and some wonderfully unique finds…They have sample cards too, so….. Their “deadstock” section is a great place to find designer items that are now out of the market.

5.       Let’s hop away from fabrics and look at buttons. This is my all-time favorite place for buttons! Ribbons, rhinestones, dyed-to-match buttons. This place has a great selection and great service. Go wild and find some buttons you won’t find anywhere else! Full disclosure – this place is owned by a friend of mine from the garment industry and is located right here in Dallas! I pop by every now and then when I need something special, and they always deliver!

Now – I’m NOT an affiliate for any of these sites. I get paid NOTHING from any of them, but I recommend them because I use them…and I love them!

I just thought you might enjoy a few cool places to visit for some fabric and color inspiration!

Have fun my fellow fabriholics! I’ll be sending creative inspiration, tips and tricks your way every week!

Here’s to your growing fabric stash!


P.S. And don’t forget to join my private Facebook Group, Virginia’s Studio Cats, for inspiration, encouragement, and support.

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